Blasphemous Nutrition
The orthodox wellness industry keeps you in purgatory with vague, overly simplistic advice or plunges you into the depths of hell with restrictive commandments that are impossible to sustain. At this point you may be tempted to pursue hedonism instead, but at the end of the day you want to feel and age your best and you know a devil-may-care attitude won’t serve you.
Double-degreed functional nutritionist and holistic health coach Aimee shares over 20 years of clinical experience and emerging research on the impact of lifestyle on our healthspan, offering a holy marriage of practical street smarts and relevant data that will empower you to take action.
She’s not just another preachy face looking to sell you on the latest superfood or baptize you into the latest health cult; she’s on a mission to give you balanced, nuanced, honest information to help you make informed, grounded decisions about how to achieve your health goals, whether you aim to lose weight, manage blood sugar, prevent Alzheimer’s or simply age like a bad-ass.
The best results don’t come from listening to what any one person has to say but being able to discard the bullshit, be open to experimentation and learn how to make the best choices for yourself.
When everything is a polarized extreme of vegan vs carnivore or cardio vs weights, tuning in to Blasphemous Nutrition will give you a scandalously nuanced perspective on nutrition and actionable tips that you can begin to implement immediately, so you can rescue yourself from the eternal torment of chasing one dietary savior after another.
Blasphemous Nutrition
Achieving Your Goals with a European Flair: a Conversation with Christiane Schroeter
What European habits can we harness to achieve our goals in the coming year? In this episode of "Blasphemous Nutrition," Aimee chats with Dr. Christiane Schroeter to discuss innovative ways to transform aspirations into reality by grounding them in what's doable and essential. In this fun conversation we dissect the art of goal-setting through "petite practices," stressing the importance of nurturing dreams methodically.
This episode delves into Dr. Christiane's unique methodologies, such as "petite practices" and "bistro breaks," to aid individuals in managing their aspirations progressively and without overwhelming themselves. Central to their discussion is the significance of self-awareness, moderation in pursuit ambitions, and the establishment of supportive connections. Tune in to learn how cultivating these small, habitual practices can lead to significant life improvements and help maintain a healthy work-life harmony.
Key Takeaways:
- Discover how "petite practices" allow you to achieve significant goals by managing them in small, actionable steps.
- Understand the importance of prioritization and balance through "bistro breaks."
- Learn how "café connects" facilitate community building and professional collaboration.
- Explore the "ABC Framework" for aligning personal aspirations with strengths and passions.
- Realize the importance of sharing personal wellness practices to foster cultural change towards healthier work-life norms.
Hello Happy Nest, https://hellohappynest.com/
Podcast: https://hellohappynest.com/podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hello.happy.nest/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZxExmwhF99BhpPuaEtSlDg
Photography by: Dai Ross Photography
Podcast Cover Art: Lilly Kate Creative
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